FREE Homeschool Resources

A list of FREE home education websites to help you on your homeschooling journey. Whether you are homeschooling, or are needing something for your kiddo to do after school, this is a great staple list to choose from! It drives me crazy to have to search through saved websites or pins on my Pinterest page because it can be so time consuming. Having a group of resources together in one place makes it easier to find, and more likely that you’ll use them!

Harvest for Healthy Kids: Do you have a picky eater? This site contains 13 different activity kits that are totally free! All you have to do is enter your email address to unlock access to all content. Each kit includes an activity plan, picture cards, recipes, and a Teacher Bites Newsletter. This program was designed to help children develop healthy eating habits through activities that teach math, literacy, and science. Beets, asparagus, winter squash, potatoes/sweet potatoes, cabbage, berries, winter root vegetables, carrots, beans, apples, cauliflower, tomatoes, and melon are covered.

Hoopla: Do you love your local library as much as we do? If so, can I get a, “Hooooooopla, hoooooopla!”. This app can be downloaded on your phone, tablet, and certain smart tvs like Roku. It allows free access to audiobooks, eBooks, movies, television shows, comics, and music! Our local library is a Hoopla patron, which allows us to register using our library card ID number. We love being able to listen to audiobooks after we have read the hardcopy of the book ourselves.

K Initial Sound Board Game image from Iowa Speechie

Iowa Speechie: Communication and speech are pretty important aspects of life, don’t you agree? This website contains many free printables and activities, but our favorite is the Speech Sound Boards Games. Not only are there 16 different target sounds to choose from, each game contains a board for initial, medial, and final position. Kelsey Coaldrake is a Speech Pathologist and creator of this site. You can visit her website or follow her Instagram account here.  

Khan Academy Kids: Khan Academy is a nonprofit company that also offers Khan Academy Kids! This free app is geared for children ages 2-6 years old (7+ can use the traditional Khan Academy app). Subjects range from science, math, reading, social studies, emotion awareness, decision making, and more! There are no ads and no subscriptions required, ever! Download in the Apple store and start exploring.

Kindergarten counting worksheet from K5Learning

K5 Learning: As the name says, this site offers reading and math resources for Kindergarten to Grade 5. There are thousands of free printables and worksheets in addition to their online program and workbooks that must be paid for.

Professor Pencil Fry Word free printable worksheet

Professor Pencil:We personally use this site for the free printable Fry Words worksheets. They include tracing, writing, forming a sentence, word search, drawing, and cut and paste. The different methods seem to work very well for our daughter. She was learning how to spell and read words within the first few weeks! The site also offers ABC order, beginning sounds, CVC words, number sorting, and so much more!  

We created this secret message, "BLAST OFF TO THE MOON!"

Puzzlemaker: From Discovery Education, this Puzzlemaker generation tool can be used to create custom math puzzles, word searches, mazes, letter tiles, and more! A fun way to incorporate sight words or even number word recognition instead of numerals.

Sight Word Bingo game image from This website is full of free resources to teach your child to read! The two main categories are ‘Sight Words’ and ‘Phonemic Awareness’ which are broken down into different activities, games, videos, and printables. Our personal favorites are Sight Word Bings and Sight Words Fishing. When creating a ‘Custom Word List’ for your bingo game, you can also input numerals instead! We’ve tried this along with our Montessori 100 Board, pulling the wooden number tiles out of the bag to play the game.

Example of piano music worksheets!

Susan Paradis: Susan is a piano teacher/composer that has created this wonderful website full of piano teaching resources! There are hundreds of free pages of music, games, worksheets, teaching aids, and teaching ideas. She also offers special bundles and holiday themes that are available for purchase in the store.  You can follow her Instagram account here!

Teachers PayTeachers: You now have access to the WORLD’S largest educational marketplace with over 3 million resources! This of it as an Etsy of educators. After registering with a free account, you’ll have access to worksheets, curriculums, videos, activities, and printables. Search for anything by keyword, grade, subject, or price (free-$). We love supplementing our curriculum with free printables from this site! The best part is that by purchasing items, you are financially supporting teachers and their classrooms. That’s a win-win in my book!

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