Hello June Miles, Bye-Bye Boobie

Holy summertime! Can you believe July is here already? I’m still shocked at how fast this year is flying by. Yesterday was the end of June, so you know what that means…time to write about my mileage and training!

Week 1: 1-4: 15.60 miles
Week 2: 5-11: 26.46 miles including Race Beneath the Sun
Week 3: 12-18: 20.76 miles
Week 4: 19-25: 19.74 miles
Week 5: 26-30: 17.90 miles

Total miles for June: 100.46

I barely scraped by with my weekly distance goal of 20+ miles which was a little frustrating, but I did incorporate more weight training and a couple yoga classes. We had a busy month filled with so many “different than our routine” things. We went to Mt. Baker, Lake Whatcom, and Lake Padden within three days. My husband went out of town for a few days, we had family stay with us from Oklahoma, and I finally weaned Eisley! Our “night weaning boot camp” lasted about two weeks. There was lots of crying, thrashing, comforting, and many nights I coslept in her room. At 23 months old, she finally sleeps on average from 8:00pm-7:30/8:00am! Talk about a life win! I am officially an improved mama/wife/runner/Earthling since getting regular, consecutive hours of sleep. 

The second weekend of June was Race Beneath the Sun 5 mile trail run, while pushing Eisley and her monkey in the BOB stroller. If you missed it, you can check out the recap HERE. I was becoming a little bored with treadmill running at the gym due to drop-in childcare, so I made the most out of Eisley’s naps and was able to enjoy some solo outdoor runs at Lake Padden and along South Bay Trail to the Interurban Trail. We kicked off the third week of June hiking up Oyster Dome while packing the babe on my back, which was followed up by three mega rest days. You know that uneasy feeling when your soreness makes your legs feel like they’re going to give out under you? How about when you’re walking down stairs while carrying a toddler? Yeah, those were much needed lazy days. 

Running at beautiful Lake Whatcom
The Greater Bellingham Running Club joined up with Wander Brewing for their Wednesday night social run. I went for my first time and there was a huge turnout! They give runners a .50 discount on your post-run drink (Beer, Cider, Root beer) and match it with a .50 donation to a local charity. This quarter is for Girls on the Run! We ran up the roads to Cornwall Park, did a loop with some hills on the trails, and then returned on the same roads slightly downhill to the brewery. It felt nice to chat with other local runners and wind down on the patio. 

GBRC photo
Next week I’m stoked to be running in the 50th Annual Chuckanut Foot Race! Make sure to check back for my recap of Bellingham’s historical 7 mile race along the Interurban Trail. I also dove in and registered for the Bellingham Bay Half Marathon in September. Wahoo! I hope you enjoy your Fourth of July weekend! Please don’t drink and drive, instead have a designated driver, call a cab, Uber, or simply don’t drink. Peace out mamas!


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