February Miles + the Stay-at-Home Mom

The biggest and most obvious change since we’ve moved to the county is our weather. We are literally so close to town, yet the slight distance and elevation change give us colder temps and much more precipitation…aka SNOW! There have been days with a couple inches of snow in town and 18 inches of snow in our area. Yes, it is beautiful to look at, but have you tried running with a stroller in the snow? (Don’t bother trying…doesn’t quite work out). This winter weather has put a major dent in my training and I’m sadly seeing my mileage decrease. Trust me, I am looking forward to the spring!

Wk 1: 1-4: 3.26 miles
Wk 2: 5-11: 9.63 miles (including Fragrance Lake 10k)
Wk 3: 12-18: 18.71 miles
Wk 4: 19-25: 20.60 miles
Wk 5: 26-28: 8.75 miles
Total miles for February: 60.95

February included one race, the Fragrance Lake 10k, which you can check out here if you missed the recap. Although I haven’t been squeezing in the mileage I’d like, I have been able to enjoy a wide variety of running. I ran in the rain, in the snow, in the sun, with the stroller, on the road, on the trails, and on the treadmill at the gym. One thing that I haven’t been able to do is run with friends or do any sort of social runs, which I foresee happening once the temperatures warm up and the weekends aren’t snowy. 

Hello from Fragrance Lake!
There have been some major changes lately, like the fact that I’m in the process of going back to school and plan to start in the Fall.  I am applying to the Massage Practitioner program and plan to become a Licensed Massage Therapist. The days of being a stay-at-home mom are soon to be behind me, which is exciting and scary at the same time. Thinking about leaving Eisley to go to school four days a week makes me cry. I already feel my heart missing her because we have spent this special time together, but I also knew it wouldn’t last forever. Now that I know there are six months before starting classes, there is an official countdown of us spending all of our time together. I soak up every moment that we share with each other and plan on making this our best summer yet! I am so thankful to have had this opportunity to stay home with her and I cannot imagine the strength other women have that must return to work or school soon after their baby is born. Major props to all of the moms out there, doing what is best for their unique lives! 


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