Weekly Wrap #15

Hello? Are you still there? I apologize for the two week hiatus, but life has been REAL (real crazy?)! There must have been some false thoughts put into my head, making me believe that after the Chuckanut Footrace was over, life would be “calm” or “slow down”.  Somehow the universe has amped up our family activities and left us with nearly no free time. The first week after the race, I was still being flooded with emails from runners asking about their results, wondering where they could find race photos, needing to meet up to purchase extra race shirts, or asking if I could mail them their age group ribbon. I had to figure out race expenses between myself and the other two Co-Race Directors and how many runners registered but did not participate, among other things. 

The last two weeks of training for the Hamster Endurance Runs have mainly stuck to the “plan” and have left me feeling happy with the progress. Between the two weeks, my mileage totaled 83.65 miles! Week 10 had a shorter long run of only 16.67 miles with the slowest pace of 9:55min/mi. The plan called for 16 miles, so technically the goal was achieved, but dang it sure was HARD! It probably would’ve felt better if it was on Thursday with a rest day beforehand, but with our schedule, it had to land on Wednesday directly following three straight days of running. Oh well! It’s definitely a plus to practice running on heavy legs to prepare for the final miles of my first ultra. 

Week 10
SUNDAY: RAN 3.27 miles @9:14 pace w/ stroller
MONDAY: RAN 4.01 miles @10:54 pace on trails
TUESDAY: RAN 8.07 miles @9:06 pace on treadmill + Walk 1.5 miles
WEDNESDAY: RAN 16.67 miles @9:55 pace + RAN 2.60 miles @ 8:39 pace w/ stroller
SATURDAY: RAN 4.15 miles @8:40 pace w/ stroller
Total weekly miles: 40.07

Week 11 had the highest mileage so far in this training cycle and also had the furthest long run to date, 21.05 miles at a 9:35 pace, coming to an overall time of 3:21:43. Elevation gain was a nice 2,167ft even though the max elevation was only 603ft. The sun has been rising later each day, so this was my first time to run with the headlamp on. The weather forecast called for 40% chance of rain at 10:00am, so I made the mistake of heading out (at 5:00am) while expecting to stay dry. Around two miles into the run, it began pouring down rain! I didn’t care that my clothes were getting wet, but I was wishing that I wore a hat to keep the rain off my face and out of my eyes. I ended up soaked and my shoes were sloshing with rain and mud, but it was the perfect distraction to running that long. Animal count was 12 deer, 2 cats, lots of bats, and 1 raccoon.

Week 11
MONDAY: RAN 7.25 miles @9:38 pace w/ stroller on trails
TUESDAY: RAN 8.37 miles @8:29 pace on treadmill + Walk .5 mile
THURSDAY: RAN 21.05 miles @9:35 pace
FRIDAY: Hiked 1.40 miles while “toddlerwearing”
SATURDAY: RAN 5.01 miles @8:51 pace on trails + road
Total weekly miles: 43.58

Once again, I'm linking up with Tricia and Holly for the Weekly Wrap! They've started a new Guest Host Series for the Weekly Wrap and this week's host is Darlene from My First 5k.


  1. Directing a race? I guess that would keep you busy.

    You certainly get in a lot of miles each week. Kudos to you.

    Good luck on your first Ultra. I am in awe. I have never even trained for a full because it demands too many miles each week.

    Thanks for linking up.

    1. Yes, SO busy! It was even more of a surprise because I did it 100% as a volunteer, not knowing how many hours would be put into it. Thank you so much! I am beyond excited! I haven't done a full marathon before either, also thinking that it required too many weekly miles. This event somehow seemed to fit into our current lifestyle before my husband and I both return to school in the Fall.

  2. I can only imagine how busy you were with race direction and follow-up! So much of hard works goes into that. WOW! You had two fantastic mileage weeks and what a beautiful place to run! I love that you do an animal count. Bats though? EEK.

    1. Thank you!! The animal count seems to keep my mind occupied besides focusing on mantras. If I can focus on the animals around me and repeat their numbers in my head, it helps to not focus on how many miles are left to run!


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