Weekly Wrap #20

The final recap of Ultra (?) Training is here! If you hadn’t read my post last week, the taper time of rest and reduced running was really driving me crazy. I had read other runners’ stories and experiences of dealing with the ‘Taper Blues’ or the ‘Taper Tantrums’, but I hadn’t ever gone through it myself! My last three training runs were shared with Eisley in the stroller. We did 6.34 miles on Monday, 6.10 miles on Tuesday, and a short shakeout run of 3.04 miles on Friday.

Not sure about you, but I am a numbers person! I love keeping track of everything so I can look back and compare. After going through each of the 18 weeks of training, I was very surprised at the numbers that added up from my mileage logged...

Solo Miles: 446.39
Stroller Miles: 207.65
Total miles: 654.04

Are you kidding me? I can't believe Eisley cruised around for over 200 miles this summer listening to music, eating snacks, taking naps, and telling me to run faster. We've had so much fun together and I am very thankful for these memories before I return full-time to college!

Week 18
MONDAY: RAN 6.34 miles @10:56 pace w/stroller
TUESDAY: RAN 6.10 miles @10:10 pace w/stroller
 FRIDAY: RAN 3.04 miles @10:51 pace w/stroller
SATURDAY: RAN 29.13 miles @11:33 pace at Hamster Endurance Runs
Total weekly miles: 44.61

Our final training run!
My appetite was stronger than ever and I made it a point to focus on incorporating complex carbs into majority of my meals and snacks. I took no shame in going to bed early each night and sleeping in until 7:00. Good thing I did, because the night before the race I probably woke up every single hour! I wasn’t worried about sleeping in, missing the race, or anything like that, I was simply too excited to sleep! Also on Friday night, I laid out all of my food, gear, and checklist so I wouldn’t have to worry about it in the morning. I enjoy waking up relaxed and taking my time, versus rushing around and being stressed. 

Saturday was race day, with the 6hr event scheduled  from 8:00am-2:00pm. I'm keeping this brief because I'm working on a separate race recap post! The weather was overcast, mid 50's, it started raining at 8:24am, and lasted through the whole race. Each lap around the lake is 2.6 miles and for the race, you have to complete the entire lap before the cutoff time for it to be counted officially. Around mile 17 my left IT band flared up and forced me to walk on the downhills, which I usually gain speed on! At 5hrs 39 min, I wouldn't have been able to finish a full lap. I ended up running 11 laps (28.6 miles) and had 3,946ft ascent. As you many know, my goal was to reach 50k or 31ish miles. I would've had to run 12 laps to make 31.2 miles. Goals that were accomplished during this event: 1st Female in the 6hr option, continued running to 29.13 miles although it didn't count towards the race, ran my first marathon, ran my first ultra, and didn't hurt myself to serious injury. I was a little bummed out that I didn't snag the 50k, but I am very satisfied with the other positive accomplishments. This experience weighed on my mental and physical self that forced me to step out of my comfort zone. Go out and chase a goal that scares you! You will grown, learn, and become a better person. 

As usual, I'm linking up with Tricia and Holly for the Weekly Wrap! They're continuing their new Guest Host Series for the Weekly Wrap and this week's host is Sara from Sara Runs this Town.


  1. You will always remember those stroller miles with your precious daughter! It is awesome that you completed your first marathon and ultra in the same event! Congrats on the first female placement in your time group too. And my oh my, that is some serious elevation.

  2. It seems that you had an awesome week. Having a bigger appetite happens quite often for me. What kind of complex carbs do you usually take?


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