Mystery Math

My favorite subject to teach is Math because it is tangible, you and white! It’s fairly ironic because I was always pretty average in Math classes.  To get an “A” would require SO much studying and effort compared to my other classes. Looking back at the teaching methods used then, versus the ones we’re utilizing now, it all makes sense! I love the challenge of creating hands-on lessons and games to bring Math to life!

This activity can be created with materials you probably have hanging around your house. You will need:
•Empty large coffee bin
•Legos (or other small textured items)
•Note cards
•Black marker or pen
•Dry erase markers
•Dry erase pouch 
•Plain sheet of paper
•Bingo chips/coins/beads/etc

First off, cut a circle in the lid of the coffee bin that’s big enough for your kiddo to stick their tiny hand in. Depending on the level of Math you’re child is working on, choose equations that they can practice. We did simple addition equations with single numerals. You can do subtraction, division, multiplication, etc. On each notecard, write out 3-4 equations and cut them out into their own strips. Fill the bin with Legos and the equation strips so they’re dispersed evenly.

Place the plain sheet of paper in the dry erase pouch. Use the dry erase marker to draw a tens-frame. That was it! You are now ready to play Mystery Math with your child or student. What DIY activities do you use for your Math lessons?

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