July Miles + Potty Training Party

It always seems like once our family actually starts enjoying summer and taking advantage of the wonderful weather, autumn starts creeping into view. This is only our second summer living up here in the Pacific Northwest and I still have to adjust to the shorter summer season. Luckily our “hot” weather is in the 70’s-80’s which makes a big difference for runners! I cannot imagine even remotely enjoying a long run in high humidity and 100+ degrees (if I didn’t pass out first!). Big props to all of you runners that live in places with extreme heat! Now, let’s get talking about my July miles and training!

Stroller run to Whatcom Falls Park
Week 1: 1-2: 6 miles
Week 2: 3-9: 28.28 miles (including Chuckanut Foot Race)
Week 3: 10-16: 14.71 miles
Week 4: 17-23: 19.97 miles
Week 5: 24-30: 33.55 miles
Week 6: 31st: 6.47 miles 

Total miles for July: 108.98! 

Looking grouchy in the PNW summer heat!
The second week of July was the Chuckanut Footrace, a 7 mile trail race that’s been going on 50 years strong! If you missed it, you can catch up with the race recap HERE. Somehow I placed third in my age group! Weeks 3 and 4 were both lower in mileage. After only treadmill running at the gym, I was excited for an 8 mile trail run with a friend. I wore a pair of compression socks for the first time and I’m not sure if it’s related, but by the last 1/10th miles my right knee hurt and it felt like my leg was going to give out under me. It only bothered me while going downhill. My friend said it must be my IT band. She showed me some stretches and told me to use the foam roller twice a day. I’ll admit, this could’ve been a major bummer. The Bellingham Bay Half Marathon is only two months away! Instead of potentially injuring myself, I rested a lot and took things very slow for the week. 

Let me expand on the term resting… AKA four days of potty training boot camp! Eisley was showing signs of readiness and independence, so we thought we would give it a shot. I read all sorts of methods, tips, and tricks that claimed to be THE best/easiest way to potty train. Well, the first day we set up Camp Potty Party in the living room. We had books, her potty seat, a sticker chart, tons of towels, and a timer set to go off every 15 minutes so I could sit her on the potty. She would barely sit down and the entire days was accidents, which equaled lots of laundry; especially since we tried having her naked from the waist down. Day two, I was surprised to find out she stayed dry overnight! I put her in ‘big girl’ undies to help her feel the sensation of being wet. She actually went in the potty a couple times, so I was feeling a little improvement. Day three, she woke up dry again! We had some accidents and she still refused to poo. It seemed like she was getting the hang of things, but I also was having some doubts. When she’d have an accident, she would continue playing or doing whatever she was doing, and didn’t seem to care. If she happened to already be sitting on the potty (now she LOVED sitting there), sometimes she would have success, but never purposely went to it or said anything to me. Day four had me coo-coo from us staying in the house that entire time and we decided to put on a diaper, say “A+ for effort” and wait to potty train when she’s older. Let's just agree that potty training and half marathon training are a lot to handle!

Sipping on her Tropical Hemp Heart Smoothie
The 5th week of July I officially began my own training, for the Bellingham Bay Half Marathon. This was the first time I’ve actually followed any sort of plan. The Fit School’s 18-Week Basic Half Marathon Program (which I started at Week 10) includes three speed/strength workouts, 3 tempo/pacing workouts, and 3 filler workouts. Sunday was a 7.35 mile outdoor trail run. Monday was speed work on the treadmill: 10min @6.8mph, (1min @7mph/1min @8.5mph) for 20 min, with a 10min cool down @6mph. Tuesday’s filler workout was a 1hr easy run on the treadmill, 6.36 miles, plus another 1 mile walk pushing the stroller. Thursday was another filler workout doing 5.43 mile outdoor run pushing Eisley in the stroller. The sun was shining, we were tired of the gym, and we wanted to enjoy some fun time at the beach!

Enjoying our mama daughter date!
I am feeling super motivated and focused in both my running and my mom life. We celebrated Eisley’s 2nd birthday on the 22nd. We also had our VERY FIRST official babysitter which allowed my husband and I to go out on a date! WHAT!? It is important for us to grow and remember that while we are parents, we are also a couple. Well my friends, I hope you have had a wonderful start to the week! Get outdoors before the summer is over. Manifest positive energy and love on your little ones, fellow mamas!


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