See Ya LATER 2016!!!

Sorry for the slight delay in communication…we were just homestead-sitting on an island for the last two weeks. I debated on bringing my laptop and whatnot along with us, but declined in preference to lying low and living in the present. Anywho…RAISE your hand if you are ready to say goodbye (adios, peace out, later, screw you) to 2016 and start a new year! I cannot believe how much has happened throughout this year and how fast it flew by. The entire world is going through some major changes, our country here has started shifting in an unknown direction, and our baby girl grew up into a full-fledged toddler (that’s equally important, right?!?).

When Eisley was a tiny baby boo!
I logged a total of 1,120.27 miles in the year 2016!!!

My 2016 New Year’s resolution was to learn more about running, try out different types of running, join a local running community, etc…basically, I wanted to take my running experience to the “next level”. Until that point, I had only done four little races without any sort of training or even really knowing what a pace was. This year, I completed 11 races over a wide variety of distances. They included 2 half marathons, a 10.35 miles solo trail relay, a 7 mile race, a 10k trail race, an 8k, a 6 mile trail race, a 5 mile race while pushing Eisley in the stroller, a fun 4.81 mile race, and two local 5ks. I joined a local non-profit running group and made some new running friends. My terrain included pretty much anything, such as road, trail, mud, ice, snow, and of course the treadmill. 

For 2017, I hope to further this journey as a wife, mother, and runner. I want to connect with other female athletes in hopes of learning, inspiration, and companionship. This New Year is a time to de-clutter our lives, establish healthy habits, practice mindfulness, and try new things. I wish to inspire and influence other mother runners to step out of their comfort zone, explore more with their children, and to practice self-love.

Cheers to spending 2016 together and THANK YOU for taking the time to continue reading this blog. You are the BEST!!!

PS+New Year’s Day is my birthday, wahoo! My other BIG resolution is to quit drinking for the next 6 months (for health, happiness, financial savings, etc)…who’s with me?!?


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