Weekly Wrap #18

Summer’s end is slowly approaching as we will soon be welcoming fall. Lately, during my runs, I’ve noticed the leaves already changing from greens to yellows and oranges, sometimes falling from a strong breeze. The seasons beginning to change has me reflecting on the fact that this cycle of race training is nearing the end as well…which means the big race is soon! When I made the decision to take on the Hamster Endurance Runs as my first ultra, I started a blend of two 16 week training plans. About halfway through I realized that the race was actually 17 weeks from when I began, but that gave me a little wiggle room for possible toddler sickness, injury, and traveling. Speaking of…we just returned from a nine day trip to Oklahoma, where I lived during my college (plus a little longer) years. Week 14 SUNDAY: RAN 5.09 miles @9:00 pace w/ stroller MONDAY: Rest TUESDAY: RAN 24.02 miles @10:07 pace WEDNESDAY: RAN 5.08 miles @9:47 pace w/ stroller THURSDAY: Travel day t...