You may be just as confused as me when you read “ultra (?) training”. What is up with the question mark? Well, that has been on my mind for the last week. Initially, I was excited simply to decide to run a six hour endurance race . Stepping out of my comfort zone and pushing the unknown limits of my body/mind is mysterious, desirable, and exciting. Nothing is more satisfying than reaching a point that you’ve never achieved before. I’ve always been a competitive person, and something I enjoy about running is that it’s more of a competition between me, myself, and I. Don’t get me wrong, I sure love pushing and trying to snag a place in my age group, but I’d rather beat my previous goal than focus on beating someone else. With that in mind, I have been reading and watching videos on ultra running. Technically, anything further than a marathon (26.2 miles) can be considered an ultra. After looking at some standard ultra race distances, I came across the 50k (31ish miles). Originally,...