DIY Tick-Tac-Toe Game

Young children are constantly outgrowing their clothes and becoming bored with their plethora of toys. I personally feel like buying brand-new items for kids is somewhat of a waste. Shirts get food stains, jeans get torn knee holes, and toys get broken. We have great success finding clothing and toys for Eisley at local consignment shops (which also supports our local community versus national corporations), and I can promise you that she isn’t any less excited than if they were bought new. Something else that is even better than buying used games and toys is CREATING new ones out of materials already lying around your house! You can involve your child in the process of making this game, which will give them a sense of accomplishment once it’s complete! More fun for everyone! Depending on their age, they can trace the lines, cut out the board, or help color the pieces. The supplies you need to create this DIY Tick-tac-toe game are: Cardboard Scissors Pencil Stapler Ziplock...