Weekly Wrap #1

In efforts to keep myself more accountable (in both running and blogging), I’ve decided to start writing a weekly recap. Whether it’s hiking, running, yoga class, babywearing, training, or any other form of moving with a purpose, expect to catch it on the Weekly Wrap! Some days I don’t have the motivation to workout, so I may walk a mile while pushing Eisley in the stroller. Hey, it’s one more mile that wouldn’t have happened staying at home! Hopefully these posts will motivate you to become more mindful of your active (or soon-to-be) lifestyle too!

Post-treadmill view, legs up the wall!

Sunday: RAN 4.02 miles @8:30 pace outside with the stroller
Monday: Rest day/walked .75 miles 😋
Tuesday: RAN 7.75 miles @8:20 pace on the treadmill
Wednesday: RAN 3.6 miles @8:04 pace at the Wander/GBRC Social Run
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Yoga class
Saturday: RAN 13.1 miles @8:24 pace at the Honeywagon Runs Half Marathon
Total weekly miles: 29.32

This week actually had a few days of sunshine thrown into our Pacific Northwest rainy days. Running outside without wearing a rain jacket or snow cleats over my shoes felt AMAZING! It was even more exciting that my foot had been recovering fairly quickly after taking an entire seven days off. My running had a nice little variety to it compared to my typical repetitive days on the gym treadmill. For five weeks I had been going to puppy obedient classes on Wednesday evenings with our new Pit Bull named Remi (short for Remington). The classes were much needed, but they also landed on the same night as the Greater Bellingham Running Club's social run at Wander Brewing. My friend said that she was going and I was delighted to meet her there. We did a quick 3.6 mile loop with some light rain and I enjoyed the company. It's literally been MONTHS since I've ran with anyone else besides our toddler. Hopefully the nicer weather will bring more runs with groups and friends. 

This is my first time linking up with Holly and Tricia for their Weekly Wrap! Head over to their weekly linkup to connect with other active women for support, inspiration, motivation, and community!


  1. Unfortunately due to family obligations (elderly parents instead of kids), I also haven't been able to run with friends much either.

    Today is such a perfect day for a race, and a lot of my friends are racing, but I have to go to my parents & work on their house, yet again. At least the end is in sight.

    My first (and maybe only) trail half will be out in your neck of the woods (Mud & Chocolate in Redmond -- we have family outside of Seattle).

    1. I guess part of being a runner (for some people) is the mental challenge of running alone...very often. Part of me enjoys running alone so I don't have to worry about the other person's pace (too fast/too slow). When is the trail half? Good luck!

  2. Welcome to the Weekly Wrap! This is an awesome wrap up and I'm so happy I started linking up with them last year :)

    Hooray for better weather! We had a lot of rain earlier this month but this past week the weather was awesome. In fact it's going to be 80 degrees today!

    1. Thank you! I plan to continue linking up, it's a wonderful group of ladies! Have fun with that 80 degree weather, I'd be melting! :)

  3. I'm still trying to wrap up my visits to blogs from last week. Don't mind me, I'm usually late but I am very glad to welcome you to the Weekly Wrap! We have a great bunch of ladies too!
    I use the Weekly Wrap to help me as well I'll make plans, try to stick to them and then revisit my goals to see how I did.
    It's a great way to stay active even if your not training for something specific!
    Hope to see you join us again!

    1. Better late than never! Thank you for hosting such a wonderful linkup! I'm enjoying reading all of the other ladies' goals, training, and travels. It is awesome!

  4. I've never run with a group before and am usually running alone -- it's my "me" time, but now you've got me curious!


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