Hemp + Coffee Chia Pudding

Hemp + Coffee Chia Pudding…need I say more?! Since I’ve started training for my first ultra, I have also been experimenting with nutrition. How much do I need to eat before heading out for a long run? What does my body require as fuel mid-run? Besides these questions, what are you supposed to do when you wake up WAY TOO EARLY for a normal human being to be hungry?

I’m not sure about you, but when my alarm sounds off at 4:30am, food does not seem appealing. After forcing myself to eat something, I half consciously stumble out into the chilly morning and spend the first two or three miles waking up. There has to be a better way…oh wait, there is! The Hemp + Coffee Chia Pudding has become the ultimate pre-run fuel! Not only does the caffeine wake you up, the hemp hearts and chia seeds give you sustainable energy for your workout/run/race/day as a mama.

Real ingredients for a tasty treat!

*Exciting news!* Recently, I was selected to be a Manitoba Harvest brand advocate program as a Hemp Ambassador! This is wonderful since my family and I have been enjoying the versatility and power of hemp for the last four years. Hemp seeds are teeny tiny powerhouses packing 10 grams of protein, 10 grams of omega-3, and omega-6 in a 3 tablespoon serving. These little seeds also contain iron, fiber, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and thiamine. I try to incorporate hemp seeds in majority of our meals, especially in smoothies, baked goods, and sprinkled on salads! Some of my favorite recipes using hemp hearts include Tropical Hemp Heart Smoothie, Blueberry Hemp Protein Smoothie, Kombucha Kale Cubes for Smoothies, and Grain Free Banana Pancakes. Hemp hearts have a mild, nutty flavor and they can be eaten straight out of the bag! 

Toss everything in the jar and then give it a good shake!

Hemp + Coffee Chia Pudding

*Yields 2 servings*

  • 1 cup coffee (chilled or cold brew)
  • ¼ cup chia seeds
  • 2 tablespoons raw cocao powder
  • 3 tablespoons Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts ( ½ for mixture and ½ for topping)
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon honey, maple syrup, or cane sugar (optional, depending on your taste)

Directions: Pour coffee in a jar or container with a lid. Add chia seeds, raw cocao powder, half of the hemp hearts (1.5 tablespoons), sea salt, and your choice of sweetener. Give the jar a good shake to mix everything up. Wait 5 minutes, shake it again, and then put in the fridge to chill a minimum of 5 hours. I prefer to make it in the evening and allow it to chill overnight. 

What do you prefer to eat before an early morning run or race? Have you given this caffeine boosted treat a try?


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