Weekly Wrap #11

It’s pretty wild to think about finishing the first six weeks of this training cycle already! Distance wise, the furthest ‘long run’ has only been 15 miles, which isn’t much more than a half. Hearing that sure makes a 50k sound soooo far away, but the weekly miles have been steadily increasing while helping to build a solid base. My legs have definitely been getting stronger. I notice the change of effort required to run up steep hills that used to be very challenging and energy consuming. Besides the usual hilliness of the training runs thus far, the plan is now incorporating one day of hill repeats during an 8 mile run. This past week, my ‘hills’ day called for 7 miles, but I went ahead and did 9.06 stroller miles. My pace sure slows down while pushing the little one, but when we pick a route including some wicked climbs, it’s the perfect mix of strength training, endurance, and mommyhood.

SUNDAY: Hiked 1.25 miles
MONDAY: RAN 4.76 miles @10:12 pace w/stroller
TUESDAY: RAN 9.06 miles @9:59 pace w/stroller
WEDNESDAY: Hiked 1.37 miles
THURSDAY: RAN 15.05 miles @9:19 pace
FRIDAY: RAN 3.07 miles @8:10 pace on treadmill
SATURDAY: RAN 2.43 miles @10:33 pace w/stroller + strength
Total weekly miles: 36.99

My husband had early Saturday morning plans, so the long run needed to be rescheduled again like the previous week. My physical therapy appointment was Wednesday morning, so Thursday seemed to be the best choice. I woke up at 4:30am to an overcast, rainy day. Immediately my negative thoughts started telling me to stay in bed and that tomorrow (or some other day) would be better. The hardest part is simply waking up and getting my booty out the door. Once I am out, I’m in my own new world!  This time, my world was full of slugs, chilly rains, and wheezing because I totally forgot to use my inhaler! Doh! After sucking for about 7.5 miles, I ran home to snag my inhaler, only to find it in my jacket pocket (where it was for the entire run). My literal second wind came for the last half of the run and I finished 15.05 miles in 2:20! Happy splits of 10:19, 9:48, 9:22, 9:11, 9:28, 9:22, 9:30, (inhaler) 9:24, 9:05, 9:37, 8:57, 8:52, 9:25, 8:06. 

Once again, I'm linking up with Tricia and Holly for the Weekly Wrap! They've started a new Guest Host Series for the Weekly Wrap and this week's host is Tara from Run and Live Happy! What have you forgotten before an early morning run? Do you have to use an inhaler too?


  1. Great miles! Sounds like things are going well. Oh I hate it when I can't find something but it's just right under my nose. I've forgotten my water bottle before my long run and had to turn back and get it. I'm thankful I don't have to use an inhaler.

    1. Thank you Sherry! So far, so good. I definitely felt silly for struggling that long time when the inhaler was with me the entire time! Ha.

  2. It's so hard to get up early and get going but once you do its so worth it!

    1. Sometimes it really is soooooo hard! I'm glad these early training runs are happening during the summer, because in the fall/winter of the Pacific Northwest, it seems dark ALL of the time. I haven't quite made it to the headlamp running level yet :)

  3. Wow! You had a full week of running! Great job! The hardest part for me is getting up and getting out the door too! Once I'm out there everything is fine, but I just have a hard time dragging myself out of bed, especially when it's still dark outside. It's so hard to run without an inhaler. Right now it's been so humid that I am wheezing on every run. It's kind of annoying. LOL Great job on your long run! Those splits are awesome! I hope you have a great week of running!

  4. Great week of workouts - it's awesome that you can workout everyday!
    I usually don't get to workout before work because of my hours, but I wish that I could. It's great to get that workout done early!


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